Constructed in 2019-20, this 26,430 sq. ft. dealership for Focus Hyundai was also among the first built to the company’s new specifications, with offices on the 2nd floor overlooking the showroom, 10 drive-in service bays, and 4 detailing/wash bays.
Numerous meetings with City of Winnipeg departments were required to resolve restrictions connected to the build site. We discovered the property had numerous caveats attached to the title, which affected the type of use, parking constraints, land drainage re-routing, pedestrian and site access, and utility easements. We also arranged for overhead hydro lines and signals to be relocated underground to provide an unobstructed view of the dealership from Lagimodiere Blvd.
Focus Hyundai is now in its second year of operation, and we are presently in discussion with the owner about a future location.
10 drive-in service bays and 4 detailing/wash bays
Hybrid of conventional steel and pre-engineered construction